Failure To Recognize Bowel Perforation Following Colonoscopy
$725,000 RECOVERY
Gastroenterologist failed to timely investigate the plaintiff’s complaints
Kings County, NY
This medical malpractice arose following the plaintiff’s colonoscopy. Plaintiff, a woman in her early 70s, underwent a routine colonoscopy. Following the procedure, she had complained of severe abdominal pain. She was instructed by her physician to go home and have a cup of coffee. She followed her physician’s advice. By the third day, she was found by her husband on the floor and rushed to the emergency room of a local hospital. One week after her admission, an exploratory laparotomy was performed finding severe peritonitis from a perforated colon. Plaintiff underwent a colostomy procedure that was reversed six months later. Plaintiff lost 29 cm of her colon, abdominal scarring, sepsis and prolonged hospitalization for the sepsis.
An action was brought against the gastroenterologist for failing to investigate her complaints following the colonoscopy and against the hospital in delaying the exploratory laparotomy despite knowing she recently underwent a colonoscopy, and there is a risk of perforation.
Following the plaintiff depositions, the case settled for $725,000.